Cinque Terre



Salam Jabbar Shahab
Applied Science Department

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Salam Jabbar has a doctorate in international political economy in 2009. has more than 12 scientific papers published in scientific journals. As well as, dozens of articles published inside and outside Iraq. He participated in many scientific conferences inside and outside Iraq. he has more than 30 certificates of appreciation, Acknowledgements and thanks from different scientific and academic institutions, and participated in more than 10 discussion committees for postgraduate / doctoral and master's students.

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Ph.D/ Assistance Professor
Political Economy, Rent State

WEX-HIL: Design of a Wireless Extensible hardware-in-the-loop real-time simulator for electric vehicle applications 

- Dry Canal in Iraq and Mutual Growth in International Economic Environment, Journal of Administration and Economics,No: 100, 2017, Faculty of Economics - University of Baghdad. - Economic Importance of Food Industries in Iraq (Compared to International Economic Indicators), Iraqi Journal for Market Research and Protect Consumer,vol:10, no.1, year. 2018. University of Baghdad. - International Management for Iraqi Political Economy After 2003, Journal of International Studies, vol:74, year. 2018, University of Baghdad (In Press) - Iraqi Political Elites and the Management of the National Political Economy: Between International Intervention and Power Struggle, Iraqi Journal for Scientific Economy, Al-Mustansyriah University (In press) - The Belt and Road Initiative and its Implications for The GCC Countries, The International and Political Journal, Al-Mustansyriah University (In Press) - The Impact of The Belt and Road Initiative on Iraq, (In Press) - U.S. Economic Crisis and American Universal Aspiration, Political Issues Journal, Bagdad, volume 25, issue 1, 2011. - The Driving Factors for Growth and Practice Money Laundering Phenomenon in Iraq, Journal of Administration and Economic and Financial Issues. Babylon University, Fifth Year, Issue 2, 2013. - The Rental States and Forming the Territory System in Gulf Region, The International and Political Journal, Al-Mustansyriah University, issue 21, 2012. - Third Oil Jump and the New Middle East, Political Issues Journal, Al-Nahrain University, Issue 34, 2014. - Economic Outputs of the Scientific Research in Iraq, Central of Arab Unity Studies, Addafat Journal, issue 23-24,Lebnon, 2013. - The International Economy for Waste Recycling, Dohuk University Conference, Nov, 2012.

Design of a Real-time Simulator Capable of Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation for an Automated Collision Prevention (ACoP) System for an Autonomous Electrical Vehicle 

Scientific Research Approach


more than 30 certificates of appreciation, Acknowledgements and thanks from different scientific and academic institutions

