Items filtered by date: كانون2/يناير 2018
الخميس, 25 كانون2/يناير 2018 08:30

مناقشة رسالة ماجستير


مناقشة رسالة ماجستير 


تم مناقشة رسالة الماجستير في تخصص التقنيات الاحيائية / قسم العلوم التطبيقية لطالبة الدراسات العليا ( هديل حميد داود ) عن رسالتها الموسومة

 ( Extraction and Purification of Urease From Proteus spp. and Evaluate its Activity Using Nanoparticles )

يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 23/1/2017 وعلى قاعة المرحوم أ.د عبد المطلب ابراهيم الشيخ






   Bacterial isolate  Proteus mirabilis obtained from burns from Al-imam Ali Hospital in  Sadr City, its identified using vitek diagnosis after that its diagnosis morphological and microscopically to ensure of its purity, Then its cultured in production media Luria broth culture media with addition of urea to prove the extent of its ability to produce  urease, the enzyme was then extracted  by  precipitation bacterial cell by using centrifugation process, and then the  resulting extract was filtered to obtain a pure filtrate representing the crude enzyme, then the enzyme purified through  precipitation with Ammonium sulfate as a first purification step,  ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration,  then  the  enzyme activity was measured  for each purification step. The results of  Urease purification  that  extracted from the isolate of  Proteus mirabilis using ammonium sulfate showed that the specific  activity  was (4.71) unit/mg, and the best  saturation ratio was (60%), the number of purification times and  the enzymatic yield  were 3.5, 14.6%  respectively. And the result of enzyme  purification by dialysis was specific activity (8.1) units/mg  ,the number of purification times  and  the  enzymatic yield were 6, 33% respectively .And the result of enzyme  purification  by  using  Ionic exchange - Cellulose DEAE was  the specific  activity  (12.29) units/mg, the number of purification times  and  the  enzymatic yield were 9.2, 8% respectively .And the result of  purification  of  using  gel filtration Sephadex G-200 show that   the specific  activity  was (15.1) units/mg  and the number of purification times and the enzymatic yield  were 11.27, 14% respectively.

   The optimum conditions for the production of  urease from bacteria were tested at various temperatures and pH The results showed that the best temperature for enzyme production was 35°C and the best pH of the production was 7 and the optimum temperature and  pH were tested for the activity  and stability of  enzyme. The results show that the optimum temperature for enzyme  activity and stability  was 55 ° C and 50 ° C respectively while the optimum pH for enzyme activity  was 7.5 and the optimum pH for the enzyme stability was 7.5, 7.5.                                                                                                                   

    The activity  of  the purified enzyme from the bacteria was evaluated after the gel filtration step by adding various  concentrations ranging from 0.001-0.006 mg/ml of gamma triple iron oxide nanoparticle (γ-Fe2O3) which  are  obtained  as standard  in size (20-40)nm , 99% purity,  Results showed that the enzyme activity was 0.39 units/milliliters at a concentration of 0.006 mg/milliliters  while the activity  of the enzyme was 1.3 units/milliliters  at a concentration of 0.001 milligrams/milliliters.

     The concentration of urea in human serum was estimated  by using   standard kit, then comparison result with Urease  that purified from bacteria, and  the  enzyme with gamma iron nanoparticles,  the results  show that there is no significant  differences  in urea concentration  between the results obtained  from standard  kit and enzyme  purified  from bacteria this is due to the efficiency of purified  urease  from bacteria but the results  show that there is significant  differences in urea concentration  of  enzyme with nanoparticles because the inhibition of the  enzyme and loss of  its activity by nanoparticle .


Published in اخبار القسم
الخميس, 25 كانون2/يناير 2018 08:10

مناقشة رسالة ماجستير


مناقشة رسالة ماجستير 


تم مناقشة رسالة الماجستير في تخصص التقنيات الاحيائية / قسم العلوم التطبيقية لطالبة الدراسات العليا ( مريم ضاري كامل ) عن رسالتها الموسومة

 ( Studying the Features of Protein Families by Using Bioinformatics Methods )

يوم الاربعاء الموافق 24/1/2017 وعلى قاعة المرحوم أ.د عبد المطلب ابراهيم الشيخ







     It includes studying  the features of  CRP belong to pentraxin family of the genetic site 1q23.2  by using bioinformatics methods for individuals with different cancers and poisoning thyroid gland disease,  and compared with standard samples.

    In present study, whole blood and serum were isolated from  200 individuals distributed to two group:

  1. One hundred and fifty patients, with different cancer types and poisoning thyroid gland from differential provinces, of both sexes and different age groups.
  2. Fifty apparently healthy volunteers.

     The results of the qualitative test demonstrated the potential of the use of CRP protein as a marker of the incidence of  poisoning thyroid gland disease  and this is evidence that inflammatory plays an important role in the dysfunction of thyroid gland, and  unable of using CRP as a marker of the incidence of various cancers. The results of HPLC analysis showed that patients who had a protein in serum had a higher than normal rate, while the level of CRP in patients with cancer more than patients with poisoning  thyroid gland disease. The extracted DNA was used to study the genetic variance of CRP gene. The results of BLAST  program that used for detection the mutations in CRP gene for the sequence of the studied samples, appearance about 107 mutation in five patients with cancer and one patient with poising thyroid gland disease. Missens mutations recorded about 52.33% , this consider the highest percentage of other mutations, while the deletion mutation recorded about 32.71% , insertion mutation recorded13.1%  and frame-shift reading mutations recorded about 1.86%. The point mutation was identified at site 159714441 for the first Exon of the CRP gene that had the same effect. Thymine replacement was replaced by the adenin. This mutation was shown in five patients  with head, bone, kidney, lung and breast cancer. . This mutation was recorded with symbols LC276934, LC276935, LC276936, LC276937 and LC276938 respectively, in NCBI, DDBJ and ENA by  Iraqi hereditary company. The result of translation by using BLASTx program showing that the amino acids of CRP for all patients decreased when compared with the standard samples of  less than 224 amino acids. The result of   ProtParam program that used for detection physio-chemical properties show that the mutations decreased the molecular weight of CRP for all patients when compared with the standard samples and also have an effect on the stability of CRP for patients with head and bone cancer make it unstable while the CRP of standard samples stable. The result of secondary structure prediction by using  PSIpred program showed that the mutation effected on the alpha helix, ß- turn and coil on CRP for all patients  when compared with the standard samples. The result of Phyre2 program showed that the mutation effected clearly  on the  tertiary structure for all patients when compared with the standard samples. The result of Swiss-model program for prediction quaternary structure of CRP was pentamer  (five subunit) for all patients and standard samples, except CRP for patient with poisoning thyroid gland consisted of one subunit.  

     While the result of STRING and Swiss-model programs for detecting the function of CRP showed the  same function of CRP for all patients and standard samples but, the mutations effected the activity defense of CRP for all patients by decreasing the number of calcium ions when compared with the standard samples. While the CRP for patient with poisoning thyroid gland  lost the function because it contained only one calcium ion. This results show that the mutations at gene level has large effected on translation process to protein and therefore have an effect on the physio-chemical properties, structure, activity and function of protein.   

















Published in اخبار القسم
الخميس, 25 كانون2/يناير 2018 07:42

مناقشة رسالة ماجستير


مناقشة رسالة ماجستير 


تم مناقشة رسالة الماجستير في تخصص الفيزياء التطبيقية / قسم العلوم التطبيقية لطالبة الدراسات العليا (ايمان مطلب سليمان) عن رسالتها الموسومة

 ( تحضير مرشح سيراميكي ودراسة تاثير البكتيريا عليه )

يوم الاربعاء الموافق 27/12/2017 وعلى قاعة المرحوم أ.د عبد المطلب ابراهيم الشيخ





Drinking healthy water which contain a percentage of impurities is becoming important as population growth, and because of the deterioration ofthe environment resulting from industrial development and its consequences,as well as the water of the rivers of the dry and semi-dry regions, Iraq is part of it, which characterized by high pollution and turbidity. In order to protecthuman health, filters have been made to remove Suspension, taste, odor and bacterial pollution.In this work, kaolin was used as a local raw material for the production offilters, obtained from Duekhla region west of Iraq, in addition carrot fibers and wood charcoal as organic materials that burn during sintering to create pores.The kaolin powder was used with weight percentage of (100, 98, 94 , 90, 86 ,80, 76) with particle size ranging from (45-63) µm for fine ( 105-150) µm for coarse, and mixed with equal weight percent for the both, wood charcoal and carrot fiber with sodium silicate as a deflocculated material. Slip casting method was used to fabricate the filtration samples. The filters were dried at 100 ° C for 24 hours and sintered at (1100 ° C) with soaking time (1 hour). A number of structural tests were performed (X-ray, SEM), physical tests (apparent porosity, water absorption, permeability, bulk density and linear shrinkage), beside the mechanical test (compressive strength). Biological test was performed for filtered water and removal of
suspended solid and of efficiency of filters were measurement. From the results according to weight percent addition and particle size, apparent porosity, water absorption and permeability were increased with loading and particle size increasing, bulk density reflected adversely proportional, which decreased with the increase weight percent of addition materials and particle size. The linear shrinking increased with increasing of additional material and decreased with increasing the particle size. While the mechanical properties are decreased with increasing loading and particle size.
Water samples taken from Tigris River were filtered by using manufactured samples, the ability of filters to remove bacteria, the ability remove suspended solid and efficiency of filters are studied. It's possible to manufacture filters to reduce the amount of bacteria from the water and the efficiency of suspended solids removal is very high for all samples manufactured by using fine and coarse kaolin with (98.85 - 99.875) % rang.












Published in اخبار القسم


حصول تدريسي على براءة اختراع


حصل المدرس المساعد رامي جوزيف أغاجان سلدوزيان  على براءة اختراع عن (صناعة خرسانة خفيفة الوزن ومقاومة للتأثيرات الحرارية العالية بأستخدام سيليكات البوتاسيوم ومسحوق سيراميكي (سينوسفير) )



       الهدف هو صنع خرسانة خفيفة الوزن، تستخدم كعوازل حرارية أو ذات أستعمالات للأماكن التي تتطلب خفة  في وزن الخرسانة  ومقاومة  للتأثيرات الحرارية العالية، مثلا القواطع في الأبنية والمنشآت، كذلك الهدف من العمل هو تصنيع خرسانة لحماية التراكيب الخرسانية الأعتيادية المحملة بالأجهادات الميكانيكية من تأثير الحرائق وايضا كعوازل حرارية وقواطع للأبنية والمنشآت الخرسانية.

وقد تم تسجيل البراءة في الجهاز المركزي للتقييس والسيطرة النوعية

رقم البراءة : 5128

تاريخ البراءة : 14/11/2017















Published in اخبار القسم


النشرة العلمية


أصدر قسم العلوم التطبيقية في الجامعة التكنولوجية العدد الأول من النشرة العلمية للقسم وتشتمل على كتابات ابداعية ومعلومات ثقافية باللغتين العربية و الانجليزية ، علماً بأن الأعداد التالية للنشرة سوف تصدر بشكل دوري بحيث ترصد اهتمامات الباحثين وتوجهاتهم وابداعاتهم.


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